
Please note that not every course listed is offered each year and students should consult for current course offerings.


JPNS-1013. Introductory Japanese I

Focuses on the fundamental structure of Japanese and practice of communication skills. Introduces Hiragana and Katakana, writing systems in Japanese, and practice of reading and writing. Some aspects of Japanese culture are discussed. Not open to native speakers.

JPNS-1023. Introductory Japanese II

Continuation of JPNS-1013. Focuses on communicative aspects as well as practice of reading and writing in Hiragana and Katakana. Some basic Kanji, the other writing system in Japanese, is introduced. Not open to native speakers.

JPNS-2013. Japanese II, Part 1

This course aims to develop the communicative skills necessary for everyday situations. It focuses on both conversation and writing systems, expanding vocabulary and sentence structures, teaching students to express themselves on a wide range of topics from daily life. One hundred kanji characters are introduced and practiced.

JPNS-2023. Japanese II, Part 2

This course is a continuation of JPNS 2013. More overall language skills are developed. With this course students complete the beginner's level of Japanese and students are prepared for the Level IV Japanese Proficiency Test offered by the Government of Japan. Prerequisite: JPNS 2013.