St. Thomas Campus Ministry offers a full slate of events to support your faith life, including prayer, faith study, volunteering, and social events.
For a full listing of current events, join our mailing list by emailing; and find us on and .
Recurring events include:
Sunday Mass
Mass takes place every Sunday at 7 pm in the STU Chapel, Holy Cross House. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Weekday mass takes place once a week during term.
Know Your Faith, Grow Your Faith
Once a week, we get together to socialize, learn about faith, and have fun. Programming varies from week to week, and includes, Bible study, faith study, special guests, movie nights, and social activities. All are welcome!
Theology After Hours
Twice per semester, we get together for an evening of snacks, drinks, and debate with a guest speaker on a topic in theology. Presentations are lighthearted and engaging, and disagreement is welcome! Sample topics include: hallucinogenic drugs and mystical experience, Catholic political engagement, Christian Pacifism, Kanye and Catholicism, and ‘extraterrestrial theology.’
Asian Breakfast
The Asian Breakfast is served in the Community Room, HC 105, from 9-10 am on Mondays.
Drop-in Lunch
A free lunch and chance to chat and unwind every Thursday from 11:30-12:30 in HC G7. We serve up a homemade, healthy and delicious hot meal once a week during term. All students are welcome, drop in any time!
Source is a monthly evening of Eucharistic adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, praise and worship.
Adoration and Reconciliation
The chapel is open once a week during term for Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.